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"Venez voir un homme... n'est-ce pas le Christ ?"

Jean 4 :29

Faith Missionary Baptist Church est une église baptiste missionnaire indépendante, historique et fondamentale, implantée au cœur de la banlieue nord-ouest. Venez visiter l'un de nos services hebdomadaires et voyez ce que nous sommes. Nous serions ravis de vous rencontrer!

Throughout 2025 we will be marking our 50th anniversary.

Faith Missionary Baptist Church was organized on November 14, 1975.

By God's grace the church has stood as a lighthouse in Streamwood for half a century.

Les dernières nouvelles de la chaire


If you can't make it to our physical location, we'd love to have you watch from wherever you are.

Put on your headphones or turn up the car stereo and check out some of these past sermons and lessons.

We are your neighbors, co-workers, and friends. Get to know a few of the people that make our church tick.

Whether you are single, married, old, young, or in-between, we would love the chance to get to meet you!

Horaires des services


10h         Culte du matin

11h30 du matin       Culte de fin de matinée


19h          Culte du soir

Liens rapides

Faith Missionary Baptist Church

34 West Streamwood Boulevard

Streamwood, Illinois 60107

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©2025 Faith Missionary Baptist Church

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